jeudi 17 octobre 2013

Brucon 2013, scapy or The internet in god mode.

This year I was lucky enough to be able to attend Brucon (courtesy of my employer) , my favorite workshop was this one, I've been wanting to dive into scapy but ... things kept getting in the way :-) the introduction was soft enough not to be disgusted and the challenge slowly grow to something taking a bit of work and trial and error... the final challenge was to download a file hosted on the @undeadsecurity's blog. As it turns out implementing wget in raw socket was good fun :-) Anyway for the curious here's my code:

#! /usr/bin/env python
#vim: set fileencoding=latin-1
# Author: Jérémie Banier
# Date: Oct. 1 2013
# Purpose: implement wget using scapy :-)
# Based on test add-ons sample 
# usage:
# sudo python
# a, u = wget()

import logging
# Set log level to benefit from Scapy warnings

from scapy.all import *

seq = 666

def connect_syn():
    return IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=80, flags="S", seq)

def connect_ack(p):
    ack = p[TCP][0][1][TCP].seq + 1
    seq = seq + 1
    return IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=80, flags="AP", ack=ack, seq=seq)/"GET /key.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"

def data_ack(p):
    ack = p[TCP][0][1][TCP].seq + 1
    seq = seq + 1  
    return IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=80, flags="A", ack=ack, seq=seq)

def disconnect_fin(p):
    ack = p[TCP][0][1][TCP].seq + 1
    seq = seq + 1  
    return IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=80, flags="F", ack=ack, seq=seq)

def disconnect_ack(p):
    ack = p[TCP][0][1][TCP].seq + 1
    seq = seq + 1  
    return IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=80, flags="A", ack=ack, seq=seq)

def wget():
    a, u = sr(connect_syn())
    da, du = sr(connect_ack(a))
    a, u = sr(data_ack(da)$
    a, u = sr(disconnect_fin(a))
    a, u = sr(disconnect_ack(a))
    return (da, du)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="scaget?")

When run it will launch the python/scapy shell do wget() while running wireshark to see the download taking place ... I'm sure my code isn't so robust and will fail with large file so ...

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